Wanted – Pedicab Pedalers
We continue to develop the Pedicab Ride Program in partnership with County Parks with a…
Our pedicab was recently delivered
Our pedicab was recently delivered and Ralph Monti, FOJT Bicycle Programs Coordinator, is checking it…
FOJT Welcomes Master Gardeners
Forty years ago, Florida Extension agents, looking for an efficient way to deliver horticulture education…
Bird Garden Prep Work
Holly Vincent and Meg Larrabee are preparing the ground for our Bird Garden with cardboard….
Another step closer to opening the Visitor Center!
New carpet has been installed in the great room of the Visitor Center. Funding for…
People for Trees Partnership
We are please to announce our partnership with People for Trees, a non-profit native tree…
Pedicab Ride Program is Funded
We just received a $9,500 grant from the Gulf Coast Community Foundation to fund our…
Work has started on the remodel of the main public restroom in the future Visitor Center.
Volunteer and Leadership Team member Dave Zimmerman developed the plans used to get the County…
Rain Garden Work
County Parks has allowed us to begin work on the Rain Garden in front of…
Bike Helmets for Kids
On Saturday April 6 form 11 am to 2 pm FOJT and Friends of The…
Butterfly Information Table
Volunteers Beverly Bowen and Bette Keys added a unique education experience to our April 6…
Garage Sale at OJT
On Saturday April 6 FOJT volunteers worked from 8 am to 1 pm at our…