Forty years ago, Florida Extension agents, looking for an efficient way to deliver horticulture education and resources to state residents, launched the Master Gardener Volunteer Program in Florida. Since then, thousands of Florida residents have completed the horticulture training to join the ranks of Master Gardener Volunteers. The Sarasota County Extension Service invites you to apply to become a local Master Gardener. The process includes submitting an application by September 13, being interviewed in October and starting training in January for those accepted into the Class of 2020. For more information call 941-861-9900.
Osprey Junction Trailhead Park is an authorized location for Master Gardeners to complete their required volunteer service each year. Currently, 22 Master Gardeners are signed up to do volunteer work at OJT and expand their gardening knowledge, promote Florida-Friendly Landscaping, beautify the park and develop new friendships.