Volunteer Policy

Friends of Osprey Junction Trailhead (FOJT) is an all-volunteer organization.
All FOJT volunteers must work in jobs approved by Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources (PRNR) and must be registered and approved by Sarasota County, which includes a background check, or be registered and approved by the Master Gardeners organization. To apply to be a Sarasota County Volunteer Click here. Then in the drop-down menu called Opportunity Preferences, choose Park Maintenance Specialist/Natural Areas/Osprey Junction Trailhead.
Sarasota County volunteer requirements are:
- Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age or older. Volunteers under the age of 18 shall have adult supervision and have a parent or guardian sign a release form.
- Volunteers will not operate County equipment without proper licensing, certification or approved training or without obtaining approval from Risk Management.
- Volunteers will not assist with financial transactions.
- Volunteers will not drive County vehicles.
- Volunteers are required to complete the Sarasota County Volunteer Service Agreement unless otherwise directed by the department volunteer coordinator. Exceptions might include large one-day events. In such instances, a liability release form designed specifically for that event shall be utilized.
FOJT volunteers are encouraged to report their volunteer time on the Sarasota County volunteer reporting system or the Master Gardeners volunteer reporting system. Sarasota County Volunteers that report their time are eligible for service awards, recognition events and worker’s compensation medical-only insurance provided by Sarasota County. All volunteers that report their time are eligible for benefits provided by FOJT.
Some FOJT volunteers work in jobs necessary for FOJT operations but are not approved by PRNR. When working in these jobs time is not reported on the Sarasota County volunteer reporting system and time is not counted for eligibility toward Sarasota County volunteer benefits.